Photo from: Wix
Welcome To The GBC.Faith Photo Blog
"God's Beautiful creations" is a photo blog where we post God's wonderful works of art that he displays to us daily.
What should I expect here?
Every day we will be posting content of God's work either f rom unfathomable beauty, we found online or photos and videos we take are selves. We will always let you know where each picture comes from.
When will I be posting?
Mon-Sun: 7AM Morning bible verses
Mon-Wens-Fri: 10AM (Only On Photo Vlog Expeditions)
Mon-Sun: 5PM Photo of the day
Wednesday: 3PM "Web Wednesdays" This is where I look all over the web for 5 beautiful creations of God captured by other people.
Saturdays: 12PM Photo of the week
Photo Of The Month: Soon in the future, I plan on selling calendars and putting the amazing works of art God has made on them. But as you can tell, there is an endless amount of work he has created. So, every month I will put up a poll on what you think the photo of the month should be. And if the photo wins, it will be the monthly picture of next year's calendar. I'm also thinking of making a community calendar but baby steps first.
If you love the Lord, love daily bible verses, love watching traveling vlogs, and want to see more of God's beautiful work then Subscribe, we are just getting started with more content coming your way.
Also, if you ever feel led to donate to us it will be a real blessing. Not only would it help us keep this website up ( Without the jarring Wix ad bothering you). But a big portion of the money will go back to the website. Funding our gear, and traveling expenses so we can show more of God's beautiful work to you. We thanking for all future blessings big and small.
Closing Message
As you can tell we are very passionate about God's work, some would say a little "too" passionate. I don't think there's ever a thing called too passionate for the Lord but I digress. Now, things may be a little slow at first with little pictures from me because I'm quite low on money, but not to worry. Low funds won't stop me from capturing God's masterpieces, that he puts on display for us.