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7 Unfathomable Storms

Writer: Aaron MingoAaron Mingo

A Super Charged Volcanic Lighting Storm

Here Are 7 Unfathomable Storms Created By God

Happy "Web Wednesday" Everyone! Today I have looked across the internet for the most Unfathomable Storms created by God. Even in such powerful and wrathful storms, we can still admire his excellence for the things he has created. Further or do, let us begin!

1. Geen Mothership Supercell

An Unfathomable green mothership tornado in a field

This is a Green mother ship supercell over Sioux Falls, South Dakota on July 6, 2022.

This photo was taken by Nathen Erickson/@TwstdSkyStudios via Twitter

I found his image in an online posting for a news article about how the sky and area were turning green.

When I first saw this image I was like this has to be photoshopped but no, this is a real thing that happens. Like WHAT! The sky can turn green and can turn into that! Doing some research I learned that when the sky turns green it's not good news this is a supercell and it can create massive storms and devastating tornados. This means, if you ever see this you may want to run for the hills and find shelter. Just look how massive that thing is, it's like a mile long.

Well Lord, if I learned anything from this it is that you give many signs and warnings of events that will happen even turning the sky green to warn us that disaster is going to strike. Also, your unfathomable power can't be matched.

2. Sea Of Cloud & Rain

An Unfathomable  massive wall of clouds and rain

This Crazy Storm & Rainbow On The East Side Of OKC 2-20-2012 - Was taken by Blake Brown and found on the site weather-forecast for Oklahoma City Photos

At first, I thought "this has to be AI-generated" but wrong i was again. I know this answer already but how is something like this even possible? It's like a wall of water coming from the sky. It almost reminds me of the flood from Noa's Ark in the book of Genesis. Let's just thank God that in the bible he went in detail on how to build one. And speaking of the flood, in the picture we see God's covenant rainbow assuring us that he still remembers his promise to never again flood the whole earth again.

Even in the midst of our storms, no matter how massive or destructive. When all seems impossible to make it out, just like in this picture God reminds us of the promises he made to us. God, is the God of all storms and with one command he can raise up and calm them. What a beautiful sight.

3. Super Charged Volcanic Storm

A Super Charged Volcanic Lighting Storm

This "Eyjafjallajokull Plume Lightning" was taken by the "USGS" I first found this on Google but the image came from

This is so awesome and interesting! I had no idea that when a volcano erupted the mercy mix in the air can created lighting. And I know what you are thinking. No, this is not a fake image this is a real image and event taken in 2010 during the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull.

I find it so interesting how the Lord constructs everything from the detail on a little flower to the eruption of a volcano creating and generating lighting from its fumes. And the interesting thing is, we only know so little about his amazing genius. How can you make something look so powerful and destructive yet so awesome and beautiful? Only you Lord.

4. A Massive Sand Storm

This is drone footage over the central New South Wales town of Parkes. They have captured a huge wall of dust moving across the landscape in to the town. The video was from Mick Harris who posted this amazing footage on X but the first place I found this was by "The Guardian News"

While looking up storms this one definitely caught my eye. I have never experienced a sandstorm personally, but talk about a scary sight, you can just turn around and see a massive wall of sand and dust coming your way. And the drone footage helps to see just how massive these storms can get.

God, as you show your power on display for the world to capture, let this be a reminder of who is really the master and creator of all things.

5. Lighting Storm

This Lincoln Park photographer captures 45 bolts of lightning in a single image at Chicago, Lake Michigan. This was taken by Ian Wall and found on the "chicago.suntimes" website.

Capturing Lighting is one of the most amazing and hardest things to do and to be honest it's really up to God if he allows you the permission to capture his glory. When people think of lighting they only think of a yellow bolt striking down but in reality, they come in various beautiful colors. Yellow, white, blue, even red. But being able to not only witness this sight but to capture it on camera is just a true gift from God.

Lord, this man may not know it, but you allowed him to take another photo of your glory so we may marvel at your beauty and power.

6. Rainbow Lightning Storm

Lighting Striking In the middle of a beautiful rainbow

This Rainbow Lightning photo was taken by Jerry Fletcher who sells his art online. There isn't much on this photo but it sure makes up for the lack of info from its true sight of beauty.

They say "A picture is worth 1000 words" But sometimes it's worth zero, because it just makes you speechless. Like literally I have no words, God gave you the perfect snapshot of his beauty to be on display.

God, the beauty in your creation is lightyears in comparison to ours. Where some of us call a banana taped on a wall art, you effortlessly create something as beautiful as this.

Type 7. Fire Tornado

An Unfathomable fire tornado

This "fire tornado" video was captured during the enormous Lake Hughes blaze, in Los Angeles County and was taken by Veronica Miracle on Twitter

You have, normal tornados, green supercells, dust devils, water spouts even ice tornados, but now FIRE TRONADOS! The fire picked up from the brush fire combined with the strong winds created a fire tornado. And the crazy thing is, this is not a 1-time occurrence. I looked this up and it happened a few times before. Out of all the things I was looking up for this post. I never thought I would see the day to find a real fire tornado. Just imagine the damage if this was a full F5 fire tornado. That's what I call God casting down judgment.

Lord your terrifying awesome power is nothing we should ever overlook. You are the same God that split the Red Sea. Anything is possible with your power and nature. All Glory goes to God All Mighty.

Ending Notes:

Lord, even in your destructive and unfathomable storms and events, you have not only displayed your awesome power but also beauty in every shot taken. Only you can make something so terrifying but yet make us look at awe at the same time.

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